The whale-like giant cetacean beast emerging from a lake that appeared overnight at Daiko Mountain Ridge in Hoshimoto City.
It spouts salt from a blowhole located on the top of its head, and opens its enormous mouth filled with sharp teeth to bite its enemies and drag them underwater. Even if the enemies manage to escape from its massive jaws, Livyjira swims around, releasing large amounts of salt from its blowhole, creating a white haze in the water, which obstructs the enemies’ vision before launching a ramming attack. Similar to whales, it uses ultrasonic waves to sense its surroundings, enabling it to attack accurately even if its vision is impaired. The continuous ramming attacks underwater cause immense damage.
Before the lake at Daiko Mountain Ridge appeared overnight, a kaiju fossil was discovered at the tunnel construction site in Daiko Mountain Ridge. The fossil had skeletal similarities to an ancient whale called Livyatan melvillei, which existed 12 million years ago, leading to the naming of the creature as “Livyjira.” Daiko Mountain Ridge was once a marine area in ancient times, and the recently emerged Livyjira is believed to be a kaiju of the same species that awoke from a long sleep.
Livyjira uses its sharp teeth to dig through the earth, uncovering underground water veins and filling the ridge with water. It generates a large amount of salt from its blowhole, transforming the underground water into seawater, thus creating a suitable habitat for its survival.
Alias: the Giant Cetacean Beast
Height: 56 meters
Weight: 56,000 tons

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