A 60-meter-class beetle kaiju that grew to its current size by feeding on teaterium, stored in liquid teaterium storage facilities around the world. Crossing continents, Taganular eventually landed on Japan while moving underground and underwater. It mows down enemies with its scythe-like arms and enlarged abdomen (tail).
Using its long trunk-like nose, Taganular pierces and sucks teaterium from the storage tanks in research facilities. Inside the enlarged abdomen, the consumed teaterium undergoes energy fusion, causing its internal temperature to rise to the point where even touching the creature becomes difficult. The increase in internal temperature eventually reaches one million degrees, and the flickering in the kaiju’'s abdomen eventually moves to its chest and head, from where it releases sparks internally. The resulting beam of ultra-high heat emits a brightness that turns the night into daylight and can penetrate the sky, even reaching into space.
Read more: https://news.ultramanconnection.com/ultraman-blazar-monster-bulletin-taganular/
Alias: The Coleopteran Kaiju
Height: 60 meters
Weight: 500,000 tons

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