Ultraman Chuck

Ultraman Chuck

The eldest of the Ultra Force, Chuck merged with pilot Chuck Gavin. He is praised for recognizing and saving Zoon, a friendly Sorkin monster. He protects America with Scott and Beth, the other Ultra Force members.


Height - 79m
Weight - 68,000 t
Age - 14,000 years old
Place of Origin - Nebula M78 Planet Altara
Transformation Item - N/A

Flying Speed - Mach 22
Running Speed - Mach 6
Vertical Jump Height - 1,300m
Moving Speed in The Water - Mach 2
Moving Speed in The Ground - Mach 1
Forearm Strenght - 220,000t
Grip strenght - 95,000t

Special Moves - Granium Beam

Related Series

Ultraman The Adventure Begins

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