One of the Ultra-Ancient monsters awakened from its 30 million-year slumber, Melba is also known as "the monster who cuts through the sky.” Melba attacks by firing energy rays from its eyes and can fly at the speed of Mach 6.
Melba first surfaces at Easter Island and begins moving towards Akita Prefecture, where Tiga lies dormant as a stone statue. Along with Golza, another Ultra-Ancient monster, it heads toward the land of Tiga, where the pair of monsters destroy two of the three giant stone statues.
Just then, Daigo Madoka fuses with the giant statue and revived Ultraman Tiga, who fights back against Melba and Golza with its Multi Type. Golza runs away underground after being countered by Tiga using his Power Type, but Melba continues to attack by firing energy rays in the sky. Changing again into Sky Type, Tiga brings Melba back to the ground with his Sky Kick and finishes it off with his Runboldt Beam Shell.
Alias: the Ultra-Ancient Dragon
Height: 57 meters
Weight: 46,000 tons
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