ULTRAMAN THE HERO PREMIERE 2024 Ignites a New Generation of Superhero Fans in Indonesia

Jun.28, 2024




Exciting news for Ultraman fans! Tsuburaya Productions Co., Ltd., makers of the famous Ultraman series, is bringing ULTRAMAN THE HERO PREMIERE 2024 to Indonesia. This event will take place from June 27 to July 28, 2024, at Neo Soho Mall in West Jakarta. Ultraman fans can enjoy a variety of unforgettable shows and attractions that will satisfy their nostalgia for this childhood hero for an entire month.


ULTRAMAN THE HERO PREMIERE 2024 IN INDONESIA also marks the release of two new entries in the world of Ultraman. First, a brand new animated movie Ultraman: Rising, is now available on Netflix. It’s a co-production between Tsuburaya Productions and Netflix, with animation by the famous Hollywood studio Industrial Light & Magic. To celebrate its launch, there will be a special exhibition area where fans can learn more about Ultraman and kaiju characters featured in the film.


Besides Ultraman: Rising, the new TV live-action series in 2024, Ultraman Arc will also be broadcasted on RTV on July 12. Fans can meet Ultraman Arc during mini-shows on June 29-30 at 3:30 PM and 6:30 PM local time, and enjoy meet-and-greet sessions with other Ultra Heroes every weekend (Saturday and Sunday) at 3:30 PM and 6:30 PM throughout the event.


Ultraman first appeared on TV in 1966 and has since become a pop culture icon inspiring millions of children worldwide. For the 90s generation and millennials in Indonesia, Ultraman is more than just a hero – he is a loyal childhood friend. Now, as they grow up and have their own children, introducing Ultraman to the next generation is a nostalgic and proud moment.



More Than Just Nostalgia


2024 also marks the 15th anniversary of Ultraman Zero. To celebrate, Ultraman Zero and Ultraman Arc will appear in the same mini-shows and meet-and-greet sessions. The return of Ultraman Zero is expected to rekindle fond memories for longtime fans.


Additionally, fans can participate in the ULTRAMAN CARD GAME trial sessions, which is a completely new trading card game with Ultraman, Kaiju and so much more, to be officially launched soon. They can join these trial sessions daily throughout the event using trial decks.


ULTRAMAN THE HERO PREMIERE 2024 IN INDONESIA is supported by Toys Kingdom and Multi Toys, which will host pop-up stores for fans to purchase their favorite Ultraman action figures and merchandise. Multi Toys will also feature a café with interesting menus, ensuring fans feel energized while enjoying the event.

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